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Our major drive is to advocate for good teaching and learning of mathematics especially among the girl child. This association raises awareness to teachers, learners, parents and communities.

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One of our major objectives, is to build capacity of women in Mathematics through trainings, embracing new technologies and innovations through research and development
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The Association of Women Mathematicians Uganda (AWoM) is dedicted towards mobilizing resources, knowledge management, networking and information sharing amongst stakeholders.


We strive to advance a platform for advisory and advocacy roles to public and private sector organizations, on all matters relating to Mathematics within Uganda.

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We initiate, conduct and assist various programs aimed at promoting Mathematics among women within Uganda and beyond.
This is majorly done through aligned collaborations, lobying, synergies and partnerships.

The Association of Women Mathematicians Uganda (AWoM), is a group of women mathematics educators who advocate for good teaching and learning of mathematics especially among the girl child.

They raise awareness to teachers, learners, parents and communities about the importance of mathematics in day-to-day activities, and the need for women to embrace the subject. The promotion of gender equality activities in mathematics started in 2013 and have since been embraced around the country, with an increased number of participants each year.

RUN4MATH marathons help learners to realize how important mathematics is to their everyday life, and know that it is for everyone.

We are madated to mentor and engage with learners while in school, school administrators, parents, and local leaders on ways to ensure girls remain in school,and how they can excel in Mathematics.

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WM2 2022

Each year on March 14, all countries participate through activities for both students and the general public in schools, museums, libraries and other spaces... See celebrations this year

September Maths Camp Advert

The Math Camp, this September 2024

WM2 2022

  • Theme: Maths in day-today sorroundings

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mwikirize Cosmas

  • Date:8th-11th September 2024

  • Venue: Kings' College Budo

  • Target Group: Girls and Boys, P.1. to S.6.

  • Camp Fees: 200,000/= per person

  • Mobile Payments: 0772913287 or 0700929438

More than 504,000+ Learners impacted and still counting

Since its inception in 2013, AwoM, has worked with hundreds of schools, held marathons, (RUN4MATH), held MATHCAMPS, supported girls for research at Master's Level, visited over 200 schools, supported schools with scholastic materials such as calculators, text books, graph papers, provided hygiene lessons and sanitary towels to girls, and impacted more than 504,000 learners.
WM2 2022